Par la rivière
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Name: Sarah
Age: 33
Gender: Female
Location: Wales, UK.
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Join Date: June 7th 2013
Old PT returned to work -
August 17th 2021, 12:46 AM
Woo hoo another complaint thread.
So, an old PT whom I didn't really get along with at work has returned. I suppose 'didn't get along with' isn't exactly correct. But I'll explain...
Before I was a PT and was still training, I had to do my assessment with a 'client'. This being my mother, and when we were finished we couldn't find a PT to let us out, so ended up having to find somebody who was PTing. Obviously we didn't want to disturb anyone not on shift but we didn't know what else to do. My mum ended up asking this one PT if we could be let out, and she got snappy with my mum and just told her to type the code in the keypad to press for assistance and the PT on shift will come to help. Of course we weren't aware of that being a feature of the gym at the time, so there was that.
When I got my PT qualification and started work there, she wasn't very nice even then. She'd avoid contact. She'd refuse to speak to me. Even when I tried to engage in conversation, she just couldn't be bothered unless it was a topic she was interested in. If she and I were in a room together she'd just take off as soon as she could. At one point she tried to dictate to me about my job in the gym when she wasn't even on shift that day, telling me, 'Are you aware of the "no bags on the gym floor" policy?' ... ok then?
She's now back working at the gym. I guess the other gym she moved to didn't work out for her or she couldn't get enough clients. I feel like she was asked to return because she has a skill no other PT has, which involves yoga and pilates. And since we're short on staff, she's basically a free, willing body to return and help out.
Of course this is at a cost. Even the cleaners can't stand her. Apparently she treated them as someone beneath her and would dictate to them as well, 'Can you dust on top of the lockers before you finish?' or something similar. Like, why even get involved with what the cleaners clean? She should mind her own business. It's not her job to tell them what to do. The cleaners are operated by an entirely different company...
When she came in today, she didn't abide by the rules. Non-exempt staff must always wear a mask. Everyone should be cleaning up before and after using equipment. I have no idea if she bothers but so far I haven't seen her do so. She just turned up to PT and took off. When I asked another member of staff if they'd met her yet, they said, 'Kind of but kind of not. She just came in and wanted to get out' - what a great start back.
I don't know how well liked she is by members, but I dislike her. I dislike her behaviour and the way she does things. I'm dreading her coming back because although the current staff set up we have right now is a bit rocky sometimes, everybody pretty much gets along. There's this nice mentality of everything being fresh and happy. Everybody gets along with one another, for the most part. And now she's back. I feel like it's going to upset the happy balance.