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Covid vaccination - August 17th 2021, 12:32 AM

I can't decide if this is meant to be a discussion or a question. I think it's kind of both...?


I've now had both doses of the vaccination (Pfizer). The first one was ok. I had a bit of a sore arm and that was it.... until a few days later when it really hit me and I actually had to take a day off work, I was that unwell. I had sneezes, a sore throat, and then a chest infection. It took around 2 weeks to clear.

The second one (15th August), already it's made me feel unwell right off the bat. My arm was so sore and dead. I started getting body pains the same day I had it and I just felt really wiped out. Last night I couldn't sleep because I was in that much pain with my arm and with body aches. I couldn't lie anywhere because I was so sore all over. Every position just hurt. Even getting out of bed the next morning was a nightmare. I woke up feeling so stiff and tired. I had a massive headache brewing as well.

Someone I know who had Moderna ended up having to go on antibiotics because it caused a huge amount of swelling in their arm. A member of staff at work had their second dose and also caught a chest infection. I think they too had Pfizer. And others just generally felt tired regardless of which vaccination they were given.

For those of you who've had your first, or both doses of the vaccination, how did your body react to it? Did you feel ok overall? Was one better than the other?