Vaginal dryness -
August 11th 2021, 01:29 AM
[SIZE="a"]I'm having a issue with vaginal dryness and it's not just the dryness I can't feel myself become 'excited' anymore. It's like my sex drive took a nose dive and then the vaginal dryness happened.
I am not sure if it's related to taking estrogen to prevent ovulation as it causes cysts. I was on estrogen before and didn't notice anything different. I don't know what changed.
Sex hurts like hell. It's like I am not aroused so nothing has stretched when it's supposed to, when sex happens... it just hurts. I feel like crying. I feel like this because nothing is working properly.
I used to smoke weed before sex which was an activity I did. Even I didn't do that it was fine for the most part. Weed did play a big part vs no weed. I have had sex without it and it was fine.
I have been tested and nothing. I should get tested again I doubt anything would change since I last got tested. I don't think it's an STI as I've been tested before and had issues. I feel clueless.
I don't know if I should start using over the counter female vaginal lubrications where I take every few days and do that, it's something I would need to do for a long time. I feel that is my problem. It'll be expensive to do that a month.
I don't know what to do. I want my vagina back.[/size]