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Re: Work? -
August 6th 2021, 01:10 PM
Regarding your welfare benefits and your income, I believe you need to report it to the government so they can adjust your benefits in accordance with your income. It also depends on if you have a maximum amount allowed in your bank account. I know when I worked, I had to report my income to social security so they could adjust my disability benefits. It's probably different in England, and is something worth looking into.
Perhaps someone else could give better insight into that. 
As for waking up at 6:30 am and feeling tired; are you going to bed at an early enough hour? I know it's hard to get back into a routine after not working for so long — I know it'll seem like a rude awakening (no pun intended) for me when I get back to work! — but try to work out a schedule. For example, you eat your dinner, then do your chores, then brush your teeth and shut off electronics. Give yourself a reasonable amount of time to unwind before going to bed, and you'll probably fall asleep quicker.
As for drama and other issues with the people you're working with, unfortunately that's how it is in most work environments. If someone tries to engage you with gossip or tries to stir up drama with you, ignore them and walk away. It's so easy to engage, whether that's gossip or drama; but you can step back and realize that these people are probably lacking something in their lives. Turn away/walk away from them and focus on your work. If it continues, no matter how much you ignore them, report them to your supervisor. It's possible they're also targeting you because you're new to the environment; and hopefully that'll pass.
Wishing you the best of luck, feel free to keep us updated if needed.