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Re: Biden on vaccines - August 4th 2021, 06:20 AM

Originally Posted by MWF View Post
Anti-vaxxers have been around a long time, but I always assumed they made up maybe 5-10% of people, maybe 15% in more hippie-ish areas. I never expected this to be a widespread problem. I thought that even if people weren't taking Covid very seriously, they'd still roll their eyes and get the shot just so things would go back to normal. They wanted herd immunity at the start of the pandemic, and now here we are. The vaccines are the best way to achieve that..
I think vaccine passports are a great idea. We already have them for schools and camps. Unfortunately, I think theres a political element to this vaccine that makes it harder to swallow for people.
Politics plays a huge role. The past *president* made covid political instead of focusing on finding a resolution or mitigation. The current administration is stuck between a rock and a hard place to. If they shut down there will be a lack of support tin 2022. Plus with all the voting laws and gerrymandering going on... The democrats are facing a huge loss in 22.

My governor is up for recall and if we close down he will almost certainly lose.

I have been hearing that covid deaths are worse than last year when things were bad. The uncertainty is killing me too. Last year I predicted the second lock down. This year I'm just wondering how it'll play out. I do not want another lock down but if hospitals become over run, who knows what will happen

I feel for hospital staff. Hope vaccine requirementa help but I'm pessimistic.