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Exclamation Dick Growing Again After Hormone Problem Returns - July 20th 2021, 09:00 PM

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During puberty, I began to develop a really bad hormone problem which caused me to masturbated a lot and caused my dick to grow longer and thicker. It continued to grow for around 5 years which caused it to become scarily large, over a foot long, it has caused me a lot of problems and it made me worry how big it was getting. I thought about going to the doctor but I knew it had to stop at some point so I didn't. The bigger it grew the more it made me masturbate daily.
About a year and a half ago it stopped and I was quite happy because if it got any larger I really would have worried. But I have only just noticed recently it has begun to grow again and I am constantly needing to masturbate, I re-measured recently and I have noticed it's growing even quicker than it was before and I don't know if I should be happy or scared.
What should I do?

Last edited by ¯|_(ツ)_|¯; July 23rd 2021 at 01:56 AM. Reason: Adding Non-PG13 prefix.
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