Thread: Lockdown.
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Re: Lockdown. - July 16th 2021, 06:21 PM

Originally Posted by Dusk. View Post

We have just had our lockdown extended for another 2 weeks. I'm feeling more and more defeated as the days goes on.
Hey, it's awful to hear the lockdown has been extended. Are the restrictions the same as at the beginning of July, or has something changed?

All of it must be difficult, especially seeing other people not complying with the rules. They are endangering themselves and others and I understand your frustration at their irresponsibility.
Have you thought about engaging in new activities, perhaps together with your boyfriend? Maybe there's something you'd like to try and it's possible at home, such as cooking with a new recipe (or baking cupcakes ), doing jigsaw puzzles, painting, redecorating your home, setting up a home garden, making your own cosmetics... Perhaps you could think of something to do on your own or together, and there are plenty of ideas on the web as well.

Let us know how it's going. It's tough but it'll pass.

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