Thread: Canada's Shame.
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Re: Canada's Shame. - July 3rd 2021, 07:23 AM

I've known about these schools for years and just last year I read a book that briefly touched on them. Many people have known for years about the indigenous children who disappeared. Governments (US and Canadian) tried to lie or ignore the issue.

I think it's great that it's finally come to light and I hope that USA will follow suit and unbury all the children. The only way we can work on fixing the wrongs and doing better is acknowledging it and then working to make amend.

Even though this all happened years ago, the reservations both in the US and Canada are atrocious. Terrible living conditions. Many of us take the simple fact of having electricity, heat/AC for granted. I've heard stories about people on reservations living in what amounts to a cardboard box (lack of insulation etc).

I am not proficient in Indigenous history. I do try and stay knowledgeable but there's a lot to learn and it gets confusing.

Hopefully this will lead to real change for indigenous people in Canada but also all over the world. It isn't just the US and Canada. Indigenous people in most countries have been terribly treated and continue to be mistreated
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