[FONT=""][COLOR=""][SIZE=""][FONT=""][COLOR=""][SIZE=""]ok before i start i just want to say thank u to anyone who replies bc i really need to get this off my chest and some advice from someone :] <3
so basically one of my closest friends (im gonna call her nic) came out to me as lesbian a few months ago and im totally ok with that but then shes been acting really flirty with me recently (shes like this anyway but overly complimentary and stuff). i don't want to talk to my other best friend abt this bc shes already sort of jealous of how close us 2 r BUT i think nic likes me and tbh i think i like her back even thought i was straight. THE PROBLEM IS that i don't want to say anything bc me and nic r really close and even tho she keeps hinting she likes me, if i say it and she doesn't feel the same way then ive ruined one of my closest friendships.
to add to my problem, my mum is totally fine if i was bi/lesbian but im not allowed to be in a relationship until im 16 or 18, and shes already sort of sussing that i do like nic so i can't really talk to her abt it.
ive never had a proper crush like this before- and especially not on a girl- so i really don't know what to do
