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Arabesque- golfing girl. Offline
Be Creative. Always Dance❤️

Jeez, get a life!
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Name: Emmie🦋
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Re: Vaccination propaganda - June 23rd 2021, 02:35 PM

Hello Sarah,

I am sorry about all of this that has been going on at work and I hope that you will be okay soon. A lot of people have gotten covid before they came out with this vaccination. Some people think that it is not a very big deal and then you have other people who have gotten it and they have passed away, then others have been sick for a while. Then you have other people who are getting the vaccination so they will not get it and they will be okay. Everyone has a choice on if you do or do not want to get this and it is totally fine. You have so many people who think and feel differently about this and that can be hard to deal with. I'm sorry she is treating you like this and hopefully she will stop. When you are at work try to stay away from her until she is okay again if you are able to. I know that sometimes it is hard to stay away from someone when you are working with them. Also when she says something to you, try not to get upset and try to stay calm. I know it can be hard, when we are staying calm and forcing on what we are doing, then we don't have to worry about what they are saying to us. When you get home from work try to do something nice to help you to relax and you are not thinking about work. For example putting on a funny movie or TV show or grabbing a book to read for a while or drawing or painting or writing or calling a friend or something else that you enjoy doing. I hope that you will be okay soon and work gets better for you as well.

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"Dance is your pulse, your heartbeat,
It’s the rhythm
of your life.

It’s the expression
in time and movement,

in happiness, joy, sadness and envy.
-Jacques d’Ambroise''
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