Re: Needle phobia -
June 15th 2021, 11:31 AM
My mum has a similar problem. The thought of needles makes her feel incredibly sick, and has even passed out just by seeing them.
I had my first vaccination on Sunday and honestly it was nothing like I was expecting. I started feeling a bit nervous at first because of the feeling needles give. But when I had it, it just felt like that feeling you get when you accidentally scratch yourself. It was quick and over in a matter of seconds.
I think the lead up to getting the vaccination is a lot of people's issue. Knowing they have to get a needle, but again, it was honestly not what most were expecting. I've talked to quite a few others who've had it and all have said the same. Some didn't even realise they'd had it.
In the past when I'd had issues with needles and started to panic, I got someone to come with me and talk to me the whole time. The act of being distracted and having the needle at a random time I didn't expect certainly helped. Although technically you have to book in for the vaccination, you can still just make sure you have somebody with you so they can let staff know about your phobia. This way they can approach you without you being aware, and give you the jab.