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Palmolive Offline
Purr Purr Purr.
Jeez, get a life!
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Name: Jessie
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Re: I'm not sure if I have much longer left. - June 6th 2021, 07:02 PM

Hey there!

I’m so glad you’ve reached out here. I can’t begin to imagine how you must be feeling with all of this going on but know that you never have to be alone in what you go through.

It must be really hard to feel as though you have nobody to talk too and I can only imagine how isolating and lonely that for for you, especially when you feel like you find someone to talk to but it doesn’t help. However, I’m really glad you’ve reached out for that help, despite not feeling it was helpful and I think it’s so important to keep on trying to reach out.

Sadly there is nothing which will give you constant happiness and that’s the same for everyone. I always say nothing lasts for ever and that everything’s passes so bad times will too but unfortunately it also means happiness won’t last forever. That doesn’t mean it’s not worth the fight because you have to hold onto the moments that bring happiness and hope, and allow periods where you may feel simply content. But there will be bad days too, and it’s just about getting through them for now so you can live for the happy days and the moments which make you want to live. Life is full of ups and downs but take advantage of the good moments and learn from the bad ones.

Do you still engage in things which bring you happiness like hobbies? What are some things that you’re into? Even thought sometimes we lose motivation and feel like there’s no point, it’s so important to keep doing things that can bring you even a small amount of joy. And it can also be a very good distraction which at times is a skill that can be hugely beneficial. However it’s important to remember it’s ok to feel sad too. Every emotion has a function and you need to ensure that whilst you don’t want the unpleasant emotions to take over and make you feel very low to a point where you may feel unsafe, it’s also vital to allow yourself to feel the emotions. If we push or block them out too much, it can make us feel like we’re mottling it all up when crying and being in touch with emotions is OK and even crying can be a good release of emotions.

You mentioned that you sometimes feel as though you want to physically hurt yourself. Have you been hurting yourself intentionally? I know those kind of urges can be hard to manage but please know that it doesn’t help anything. Sadly, people self harm thinking it will help, but most of the time those urges continue and the person feels like need to self harm again; but if hurting yourself really helped, people wouldn’t have to keep going back to it. You are worth so, so much more than to hurt yourself and honestly do not deserve to put yourself through anymore pain that what you’re already going through.

I’m not sure who you have already tried talking to but I want to make you aware that there are lots of people you can go to for help and support. This includes us here at Teenhelp, helplines in your country, if you’re at school this can include talking to a teacher or school nurse/counsellor, parents/guardians, friends, your doctor and even calling emergency services if you feel you are at risk of harm to yourself. All these people will want to help you and it’s okay to reach out to them for help. You do not have to be alone.

Please remember you are never alone. Teenhelp is always a safe place for you to come too and we will never judge you here for anything you say. There are many different ways in the site of seeking support so please feel free to access them as you need them and take full advantage of them; they are there to help people like yourself who are struggling. I know right now it feels dark and hopeless but I promise it will not feel like this forever and you will have moments which will make you want to be alive. Do nice things for yourself which you enjoy and be kind to your mind and your body. You deserve to love yourself for who you are. Nothing is impossible and you can and will get through this too. You just have to keep going and have faith in yourself.

Remember we’re always here, you’re not alone.
Take good care of yourself,

’Happiness can be found in the darkest of times, if only one remembers to turn on the light.’

Big sis, always and forever, 15/04/2018
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