Thread: Non-PG13 (Strong Language): Screaming thread.
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Re: Screaming thread. - June 1st 2021, 08:05 AM

I'm dreading class tomorrow because the topic of trans woman is going to be discussed (I believe) and I've already seen comments about kids not being allowed hormone blockers and the arguments aren't even factual. People are basing opinions around feelings instead of facts and if that happens in class tomorrow I'll likely have to say something or feel like a dick for being quiet.

I'm supposed to be an advocate and tomorrow it might be a situation where I speak up or remain quiet. If I speak up there could be confrontation or discontent.

Legit the argument "the cons of providing hormone blockers are too dangerous" do these people not realize that many trans youth commit suicide and the hormone blockers help them. It's reversible... It blocks hormones until they're able to transition. Our goal should be to protect and empower people... Not take away their rights because of "feelings"
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