[FONT=""][COLOR=""][SIZE=""][FONT=""][COLOR=""][SIZE=""]Hi there lovely people, I am in need of help understanding my own gender identification...
I know this is something that only an individual can know for themselves but I'm just so damn confused that I figure I would come here for some advice and potentially some education, but here's the situation:
I am afab and considered myself cis all my life, though since I can remember have always drifted towards an almost completely androgynous style of dress/hair and mannerisms, have never once corrected someone on my pronouns (most of the time people assume he/his or they/them), and have even taken some sort of euphoria in people not being sure of my gender. It just makes me feel more comfortable. I thought this was completely normal and it has never struck me until recently the fact that I might be non-binary.
The only problem with this is that I can't say I experience much of what I understand dysphoria is supposed to feel like. I feel fine with being called female, I don't think I've ever experienced the deep discomfort that trans people talk about when they discuss dysphoria, I've always kinda felt "meh" about it. Sure there have been more than a couple of times where I've felt uncomfortable with my body, especially throughout puberty, but it wasn't an ever-present feeling of being in the "wrong body". At least I don't think I would have described it that way at the time. In any case, it was never so strong that I thought I needed to change something about it.
So I hope this question sounds less stupid with the context above: Is it possible to be transgender (non-binary specifically) without experiencing much dysphoria? Does the fact that I feel safer and more comfortable treated as a non-binary or masculine person indicate that's what I am?
Or better yet, is it even worth going through a social transition with those who know me as female if it's not causing me that much grief anyways?
I want to say too that I'm not trying to devalue the experiences of people who are non-binary and do struggle with really serious dysphoria by asking these questions, I respect what they've gone through and that's why I want to try and learn more before coming out and identifying any one way publicly. I'm just having a lot of trouble figuring out my own feelings and would love some help from people who have gone through their own gender journeys and might have some insight on the subject to help me figure out my own.
Thank you beautiful people so much! I wish you all a good day and thank you for reading through this long and probably very confusing post
