Doing my best
Experienced TeenHelper ******
Name: Please call me Soda.
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/her
Location: England
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Join Date: December 24th 2020
How do I get over them? -
May 14th 2021, 09:10 PM
I've fallen in deep love with my best friend but I know they will never love me back in that way for many reasons. We plan to stay friends for the rest of our lives so I don't know how I'm going to cope with this for all that time. I can't tell them because I know it'll ruin or at least change our friendship and I don't want that. But it's eating me up inside knowing my feelings will never be returned and it's really taking a massive toll on my mental state, when I'm already struggling as it is.
I've never been this in love before. I've had crushes, and been attracted to people, but this is a hundred times stronger and worse. They're everything to me. I want to marry them. And I never will. And I know I should just accept it, but it's kind of hard. People usually say you should distance yourself to fall out of love with people, but I can't distance myself from them. We rely on eachother so much, theyre everything to me, I can't just stop talking to them.
I don't know what to do. I guess I should just try really hard to pretend I don't feel that way. But it just sucks. I always wanted to know how real love felt like and now I want out.
It's enough to live a live with love until we die
Autism, Depression, Anxiety