Thread: Allergy testing
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Re: Allergy testing - May 13th 2021, 04:34 PM

Dear Dez,
it will probably be a scratch test if you're going to be tested for pollen, dust, food allergies etc. The nurse pricks your skin (usually forearm) with disposable needles and puts a drop of different liquids, each containing an allergen, on the pricked skin. You'll feel it but it doesn't really hurt - and they use a very tiny needle. Then you'll be asked to wait 15-30 mins in order to force an allergic reaction on your skin. After the wait they will check the skin - if there's any reaction (rashness, itching, blisters etc.) they will mark it on a special sheet with a list of all the allergens you're being tested for and later hand it to you. The reactions are not pleasant, but it's also nothing that hurts - only itches at most.
If you'll be tested for any chemical allergies (e.g. metals) they won't even puncture your skin - you will only have a few special plasters put on (usually on the back) and asked to come twice (usually within 3-5 days) for examination.
Both are, in my opinion, totally bearable experiences. I'm sure you'll do great - no need to worry!

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