Re: can i be pregnant? -
May 2nd 2021, 06:03 PM
Hey @panda solo!
I got my periods after a 35 day cycle, I've never been this late and I wasn't very stressed too (I've been way more stressed before).
I knew that I couldn't be pregnant, because it sounded too impossible with the clothes in factor, but that dizziness had me worried, because I couldn't find an explanation for it. It was the first time we did that, so maybe it was a sort of negative reaction to it, I'm still in the way of unlearning that all this is not 'wrong', and its completely okay to do it.
I think as I grow up and understand things better, this type of overthinking will go away.
Last edited by Oneirophobia; May 2nd 2021 at 10:54 PM.
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