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Re: Caitlin Jenner is running for California governor - April 30th 2021, 01:53 AM

It doesn't bother me that somebody without political experience might run for office. A lot of my favorite politicians had regular jobs + activism on their resumes, and I think being outside the system can actually help to bring a regular person's viewpoint and concerns to public office. Career politicians often dont have an understanding of the problems regular people face, and that can make them very disconnected from their constituents.
However, the only thing I hate more than American political culture is American celebrity culture. You wanna talk about people who are disconnected from society, the only family that I can think of thats more disconnected from normal people concerns than the Jenners/Kardashians are the Trumps. Famous for being famous, rich because their name, complete narcissists through and through. Its not to say that I'd NEVER vote for a celebrity- Cynthia Nixon (Sex and the City star) ran against Andrew Cuomo for governor of New York in 2018, and I thought she was excellent on the issues I care about- but I feel like the only reason Caitlin Jenner is running for governor is because she just wants to be more famous.