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Starseeker Offline
I once walked the starry sky
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Name: Sue
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Re: Meal Delivery services - April 28th 2021, 05:37 PM

I've tried some, but resigned because the meals gradually became unsatisfying. For instance gluten&lactose free diet had products such as pasta, lasagne or cake every day - only in the gluten-free version. I had expected lots of veggies and meat instead. Plus the meals got overally quite poor in quality after some time. And the boxes - jeez, the plastic boxes for each meal were unbearable. There was an eco-packaging option, but for additional fees while the meals were already very expensive, so it's definitely discouraging.
However, there were significant upsides. The calories were calculated so I knew my approximate calorie intake. On the days when I had the diet ordered, I didn't feel like eating any additional foods AND it was easy for me to stick to certain meal times instead of grabbing snacks in between.

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