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Re: If you could time travel... - April 28th 2021, 02:06 AM

Originally Posted by Wheek! View Post
I’d want to see myself driving with a career. I’d also want to see myself with some awesome pets

From the looks of your signature and avatar, you've already got awesome pets.

I think if I could time travel to the future, I would like to see if I was able to complete my MSW and see where I am working. I know I talk a lot about staying with my current company but I know that my experience and the MSW could open other doors. I would also like to see where my husband and I are. We are going to wait to have kids till I get my masters. That is not that far off but when I am having 'baby fever', I do feel like it will never happen.

There are some friendships I have and I would like to see if I was finally able to meet those people. Hoping we will and we will still be friends. They're both probably the two people that know me most outside my family.

I would also like to see if my husband and I move to a different state. We talk about it a lot and it is something we both want. I do have some ambivalence thought because I struggle to make friends etc.