Iiiit's rant time! -
April 19th 2021, 05:40 PM
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So yesterday whilst scrolling Instagram, someone I follow came first place in a bikini competition (where females do bodybuilding and show off their physique). She advertised her coach on her profile page. For no particular reason other than taking my eyes off work for a moment, I clicked. Then I saw the most unbelievable thing ever.
A PT who used to work at my gym was on here. This coach was personally training the personal trainer from my gym. And this old PT at my gym wasn't just any PT. He was a massive bodybuilder and the highest earning PT in the entire gym. He earned £1,500 a week. Needless to say, he was a pretty popular guy and had zillions of clients, hence his income.
At first I was just shocked that he was receiving personal training himself. I was sat there for a few moments just amazed at the fact this huge successful guy decided to hire his own PT. Then I decided to click on his profile, and it turned out he'd actually announced it on his page. I then decided to read the post... to which something more shocking was revealed. He admitted on his page that he'd been using performance-enhancing drugs (I won't go into details what these are). Basically, he'd been doping the whole time until lockdown stopped him in his tracks.
I didn't even know what to say. I think the latter was the biggest shock of all. The guy was training for a half ironman marathon and was doping. Doping in sports is a bannable offence. I honestly have no idea why he chose to do it, knowing he could be kicked from competition.
Putting that aside, to me he's now just one big hypocrite. There he is telling clients they need to do X or Y thing to get in shape; or how to do X thing so they can look like him... when really it wouldn't have mattered how much effort they put in because he was using PEDs.
I told a friend about it last night and she said she honestly wasn't surprised. The gym he goes to is apparently filled with people who use PEDs, and even though he's 25, he honestly looks far, far older. Apparently this is a side-effect of PEDs. Obviously I only know the basics of PEDs because I've never used them, nor intend to.
We went back and forth discussing him. I already had a low opinion of him because of his bad personal training style (...because who the hell gets their client to do deadlifts when it's their first ever time in a gym..?). Plus she told me that a guy came into the gym once asking for help with a programme, and when the assistant manager saw it, she was in shock. He literally told the guy to just do 5x5 (sets x reps) of every single exercise - he [the PT] put no effort into the client's training programme at all. I wasn't surprised really given some of the content this PT was sharing, bragging about his clients when really he's so unsafe to PT with.
I just can't believe this guy. What a hypocrite. And to admit it on his business social media page too. Not good.