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~One Skittles Minion~

Jeez, get a life!
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Name: Holly
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Re: When are you most creative? - April 9th 2021, 01:08 PM

I would love to get into photography!

I haven't noticed a pattern yet of when I'm most creative. For a long time, I thought I didn't have a creative bone in my body! But recently I've realised that creativity can take all forms so I think I'm more creative than what I previously thought.

I've been playing The Sims more these days, and I've discovered that I don't actually play like most people do but I tend to love building and decorating in the game. I also like taking pictures in game and then editing them slightly. When I'm not playing, I might randomly get ideas in my head of what to build next or how to set things out etc. so I've started quickly sketching these ideas so I don't lose them. That said, I do find that when I'm lying in bed at night, my mind tends to visualise what I'm building and I just seem to carry on building/decorating in my mind. It's hard to switch off!

I tend to think out loud a lot too. It's normally just what I plan on doing that day or if something is bothering me I'll just rant to thin air. I have found though that sometimes my mind makes links between ideas and I have a sudden urge to start writing these things down. For example, ages ago, I was thinking about the deeper meaning of things (things not always being as obvious as what they seem on the surface) and I randomly thought of a film that displayed this idea I ended up randomly writing a few pages of what could be called a film critique but was me mixing my own thoughts with examples from the film.

I've realised, I tend to be creative after having been inspired or talking to others. I can't remember how exactly, but back last year, I was having a conversation with my mum and she said something or she had had done something and I suddenly had an idea to re-arrange my room. It was difficult because I also had an essay to do as well but I felt like I had to take action because my mind was just thinking of how I could rearrange my room. I don't think it would've occurred to me had I not had that conversation with my mum.

I guess really, unless I'm working on a project, creativity is either inspired by someone/something or just seems to happen. I remember years ago, I wanted to draw and colour. I tried but I didn't know what to draw and when I started drawing, I wasn't happy with it. I didn't give up completely, I just didn't have any inspiration. Then I was inspired to draw Simba from the lion king, though I was sceptical as to how it would turn out, and yet it ended up being the best thing I have ever drawn!

That said, while I might need inspiration from somewhere, I really do need to be on my own and in peace and quiet. Even when building things on the sims, I have to mute the music because it was either distracting or I felt rushed.

Thanks for this thread- it was really interesting!

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