When are you most creative? -
April 6th 2021, 05:14 PM
When it comes to photography, I love being outdoors, alone. Photography can be such an exceptionally wonderful art. An art, like any other, that takes time and patience. I dislike being around other people, even friends and family, whenever I'm out taking pictures. It just feels so... distracting. I feel like I'm being rushed unless I'm alone, then I can take as long as I want.
As for anything else, like creating threads for TeenHelp (like this one) or posts for my business page... creativity tends to come to me when I'm lying in bed trying to sleep. I have all these great ideas for posts and replies. I try and write them down on my phone if I can. This way I can remember for the future.
People don't realise, but even exercise routines require creativity. I prefer to be alone when coming up with them, but it doesn't matter what time of day it is. So long as it's quiet or I can't think.
How about you? It doesn't have to necessarily be writing such as poetry, or painting/drawing. It can be anything.
Do you need a specific environmental setting or time of day?