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NeuroBeautiful Offline
Please call that story back.
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Name: Violet
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looking for support/advice on how to get started - March 30th 2021, 07:18 PM

Hey everyone,

So I want to write a realistic fiction story...been wanting to write this story for a really long time now
It has parallels to my own life but without it being a full blown memoir
it is about a young adult who escapes abuse
and she goes on to being a teacher
and at first her past is overbearing her
but slowly, she realizes she can use it as her strength as it allows her to be more compassionate and sensitive to others, especially her students' lives
I want to show how painful it can actually get though. Not some romanticized version if it where she suddenly becomes teacher of the year
like it is actually a slow and painful process
and she may never be that super teacher but we need non-super teachers in the classroom too
having a hard time getting started with it though
like I usually write poetry
and the poetry is very personal and revealing
like it would mention my self harm urges for instance

I am going through a particularly rough patch the past few days and trying to use writing to help me through it
another thing is I want the main character to explore the healing process of self compassion through becoming a teacher and re-parenting in a way
and also exploring spirituality and healing from religion-based trauma, as well as exploring interfaith/multicultural identity
any support would be appreciated