Thread: Triggering: Atlanta Spa Shooeting
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Re: Atlanta Spa Shooeting - March 24th 2021, 11:14 PM

Originally Posted by Proud90sKid View Post
Asian americans have literally gone on shootings and they were blamed on mental illness and not terrorism. Your point does not stand

Have you heard of Virginia Tech shooting ?

Its more like: in 2021, every crime committed against someone who happened to be a particular demographic is politicised as a hate crime

This isnt a crime against asians- he just used the massage parlors because that is just the form of prostitute he was into seeing. He had some sort of major issue obviously, but asians dont get to make this about them- because it isn’t

My point does stand. It's not one that's hard to see if you follow numerous news sites like I do. Not going to argue over whether or not something was racist. It isn't an argument that should be needed and it's not gonna change the mind of people who don't want to see it.
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