Thread: Triggering: Atlanta Spa Shooeting
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Re: Atlanta Spa Shooeting - March 20th 2021, 01:13 AM

Originally Posted by Everglow. View Post
This is such a terrible story and my heart goes out to all of the victims and their families while they're dealing with this. I guess I am a little bit uninformed about the other attacks that have happened in the states, but I have watched a number of videos of Asian people reporting racist remarks and abuse in the streets as a result of the covid pandemic. Honestly I think it's shameful that it happens and it disappoints and upsets me that there are people such as Trump who are awarded positions of power and influence, and they use it to advocate hate and misinformation instead of bettering the world.
I'm seeing shared Tweets that makes Trump's comments not look as bad: covert racism and false information. These Tweets are making it about non-existent competition; the Asian community against the African American community.

It's fucking disgusting. Can we take a moment and analyze the situation here?

The perp of the Atlanta shooting fetishized Asian women. He made them out to be nothing more than exotic objects for sex. That's what these massage parlours were — in Atlanta's redlight distrct — these ladies were doing unlicensed sex work... because any work involving sex is illegal in the United States, unless you work in the film industry.

That's what the majority of America see Asian women as: nothing more than sex objects.

Do we really need to start a race war? Seriously? The Asian community has gone through enough in the past 400 something days what with being targeted by those too stupid to realize they did not create COVID-19.
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