Re: I have never orgasmed -
March 16th 2021, 01:50 PM
Hey there,
15 is a normal age to start getting curious about your body and how it feels.
There are no right or wrong ways of doing it, just what feels good.
I've noticed its common at this age to not know when you are or what it feels like, and feels different for everyone.
I suggest trying new things, different ways.
The internet is a wonderful place to find different ways to explore your own body.
As long as it feels good your doing something right, it may just take some time to get use to it, and learning never ends.
If you feel like you are doing something wrong, switch it up and move around, you could just be needing to be touching a different spot.
I fell in love the way you fall asleep. Slowly then all at once <3
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