Thread: Life progress
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Re: Life progress - March 8th 2021, 08:31 AM

When I was fresh out of high school I was a mess. I was full of anxiety and had no direction in life. I was self harming daily and talking to professionals at least that much. I’ve been in and out of the hospital at least 6 times and went through at least 14 jobs in 10 years. It took me 5 years just to get an associates degree. I could not talk on the phone from phone anxiety and I would not go anywhere, even shopping with family. I didn’t like the idea of being independent.

Now I’m talking on the phone, meeting friends for shopping and lunch, and am very friendly and outgoing, there is now not many, if any at all, that I don’t get along with.

It has been so long now since I last self harmed, that I don’t even know how many years it’s been since I last did it.

I’ve held my current job almost 2 years, when before the longest I’d ever held a job was 6 months. I am helping people by helping them cope with mental illness as someone who is constant in their life, as well as help point them in the right direction as my current job.

Currently I am working on getting into nursing school, then who knows?

If I can make this big of a turnaround so can all of you

1. (of a person or animal) able to withstand or recover quickly from difficult conditions.
2. (of a substance or object) able to recoil or spring back into shape after bending, stretching, or being compressed.

We all possess resilience, we just need to realize it.

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