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Re: Brother intends to get married soon - March 8th 2021, 01:08 AM

Thank you both very much for your responses, I really appreciate them. Especially right now.

I'm not too sure on where they intend to have their wedding. I don't know what kind of wealth her family have, but her father is apparently struggling for money and has debts to pay. I'm not too sure on Indian customs, but apparently parents are the ones who pay for their child's wedding. I don't know how they're going to pay for it.

My brother (he's 32) intends to get married at a registry office here in the UK, then have a much larger marriage over in India. I have said to him that I'm not too sure I'd be able to make going to India because of work commitments, but I have yet to air my concerns on anything deeper than that. My brother and I have had a very strained relationship growing up, and while he and I have become closer as we've got older, there is now family tension between he and the rest of the family. I want to continue to support him and his decisions regardless of my personal thoughts and feelings. I want to see him happy, but I haven't yet figured out a way to explain to him that deep down, I would rather not go to India for my own safety. It's not as though all areas of India are dangerous. I think every country has its danger spots. I worry about unwanted male attention and any reactions they may give if I were to reject their advances. I understand this is likely me overthinking it, but I can't get those thoughts out of my head and I can't help but feel unsafe. I know there will come a time when I'll have to speak to him and be open with him about it, but at least for now, I have a fair few months to think of how to approach the situation.

I think setting up a skype or zoom call would be a good idea. When the time comes, I think I'll mention it to him and see what he thinks.

As for him marrying at a registry office here in the UK, I think I'd be ok doing that. I do want to show my support for him, and I've met his girlfriend and her family. They're very nice, and I especially want to support the person who would eventually become my sister-in-law.

Thinking about it, I suppose I'm just a bit overwhelmed at the thought of marriage and how short a time they've been together, yet seem to move so quickly. Regardless of this, I definitely want to support him.