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Re: Help please when you have time. Thank you. - March 4th 2021, 09:57 PM

Rather than telling your parents, have you actually considered what she wants? From what you've described, it sounds like she must be terribly upset and/or lonely. Being pregnant can be an exceptionally scary experience. She's literally going to be bringing a human being into this world and may not even know what to do or how to do it.

The last thing she needs right now is for you to speak to your parents without discussing the matter with her first.

Talk to your sister and be gentle with her. Explain all your observations to her and let her know she can place her trust in you (and make sure she genuinely can) with whatever she has to say. She may just need somebody to cuddle her and listen to her cry it all out without saying a word. Silence is worth far more to a person than you may realise. Be someone she can come to when she has a problem, not someone she runs away from in fear you'll go telling others about.
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