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Re: Gynecologist and fat shaming - February 28th 2021, 12:08 PM

Originally Posted by Mallika View Post

It's great that you work in a job that helps people advocate for themselves. It is very understandable why you are feeling this way regarding advocating for yourself, given the circumstances about weight issues or ED.

If not a friend then, would there by any other individual with whom you and your husband be more comfortable visiting the gynaecologist with? Perhaps a parent, or a cousin? These matters are no doubt awkward to be discussed with friends, but if a closer relative like a family member might be able to understand where you are coming from and advocate for you, that might go a long way, especially if it will ultimately benefit you in terms of seeking the form of treatment you prefer best.

I asked my dad to go but I think he is uncomfortable with the idea.

I have friends I could ask who are female/have dealt with female issues but I haven't been friends with them long and am nervous about asking.

My biggest concern is that I worry the doctor will take my weight and refuse to place it like they did one other time...and then I'll walk out of there without the appropriate birth control. I need the birth control cause I cannot afford to get pregnant and my husband and I do enjoy having sex. The other issue is that if they refuse to place it, I have to get the current one out because the gynecologist I am set to see in June or July...will not remove someone else's insertion. I know that theoretically the doctor cannot deny me the birth control and if they try I might have to get bitchy and that is the problem. I do not like having to get bitchy because then I feel like crap about myself for ages...even if it is justified.