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Re: What's the matter with my best friend? - February 27th 2021, 01:14 PM

I think when someone does something does something like that, it's so easy to think the worst. And rightfully so because you've been so close to him, and suddenly he's blanking everybody out.

I've been in a similar situation. I had a male friend from school who I'd meet up with and we'd visit places with one or two other friends. We'd hang out a lot and share stories. He always talked about moving away because he hated the area. Eventually after university, he did. Though for a short while he and I would share brief exchanges, suddenly he removed everybody from school off his friends list. Every friend he'd made.

It turned out there wasn't anything wrong. He just wanted to move forward and past the 'school' chapter of his life. He didn't want ties to his old life, which we were, and he wanted to make a new life for himself that didn't revolve around the area where he grew up.

I understand his decision. Though I have a few school friends still on my Facebook page, I removed most of them. I want to move forward with my life. School wasn't exactly an A+ time of my life. Though the friends I did make were lovely at the time, that's all it was. It was just a time period and as I grew older, so did they. We all have different commitments now. Some got married and had kids, others moved far away and got jobs.

This isn't to say any of this is true with your friend, but it's more of a possibility than anything. I don't see any harm in you messaging a mutual friend and seeing if everything is ok with him. He was your best friend and you want to look out for him is all.