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Re: Fitness injury opinions - rant - February 15th 2021, 08:58 PM

Originally Posted by Rivière View Post
I just saw something online from a fellow personal trainer. He made a post online stating that if a person doesn't get injured from time to time, they're not training hard enough.

The PT had posted a graphic image of their severe hamstring tear.

Underneath I'm so up in arms about it because that is not the kind of thing anyone, especially not a personal trainer, should EVER encourage.

I showed it to a friend and even they said it's almost as if the PT wanted to paint the injury as a good thing. I agree. It certainly came across that way.

Having that severe of an injury isn't a good thing, Not only could you cause yourself permanent damage, but it also puts you out of action for weeks, maybe months on end.

Of course, this PT has been involved in fitness for 20 years, is male, and in an amazing body shape. I feel like I'm disallowed from saying anything. I've been doing it for a quarter of that, and I'm female. Somehow time spent = being more knowledgeable.

There's that saying, train smarter, not harder.

His post is as if he's saying it's ok to have severe injuries like that. As if he's ENCOURAGING it.

I've had injuries from the gym, but nothing like that. The most are usually because I've been careless and not paid attention. Dropped a barbell on my foot (thankfully it was the bar only and I had shoes on so only caused bruising). Trapped my finger between some weight plates. Never ANYTHING like that.

I like that PT, but I feel like I just lost some of my respect for him.

Wow, just wow. It's unbelievable that anyone would post something like this, let alone a fitness coach.
I know it's difficult, especially if you're a female in a male-dominated industry. I'm sure you're an expert in your field - don't let anyone convince you otherwise.

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