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Name: Wendi
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Re: One of my best friends died last night -
February 15th 2021, 11:35 AM
Originally Posted by Everglow.
I'm glad you have your family helping you through this, Wendi. Loss is such a hard thing to deal with, especially in such a young person and so suddenly. Closure and grief are different for everyone, so take as much time as you need. Be with people you love. It's healing. And if you need to talk you know you can always send me a message. Thinking of you all.
I'm actually accepting my best friend's death and like Julie who knew her so well, just trying to make an effort not to let our loss affect our vacation.
Death of a close friend is never going to be easy, but she would not have wanted either of us to wallow in the self-pity and horribleness of it all. So once home we'll make an appointment with our late friend's lawyer and take things from there.
You've been very kind to me and I appreciate your checking in with me by pm. Thank you! 
Originally Posted by Flight.
Hi there Wendi,
I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. I can't imagine what you and your family are going through right now. If there is anything you need, please feel free to message me as a listening hear is the only thing I can offer you right now.
Thank you, Flight. You know I appreciate your writing and support. As said to Everglow, I'm okay though sad, just taking a day at a time and once we're home, go and see her ;lawyer to see what gives. At some time we'll visit the cemetery and I expect then, that will close on a tough day.
“Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.” - Thomas A. Edison.
Thomas Edison tried over two thousand times to invent the lightbulb.