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Name: Sue
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Re: No solution -
January 18th 2021, 09:22 AM
Originally Posted by Pork Chops
Would it be possible to flaunt the dislikable education institution you are chained to, and instead consider advanced learning though an online open university? Have you understanding parents?
Online university is an option, but I wouldn't like to spend the next few years learning online. The pandemic has been enough lol.
My mum is understanding and she would like me to do whatever I like, but she also strongly encourages me to get a uni degree. She claims it's always better to have a degree, even if one's running their own business, and I guess she's right.
Originally Posted by Celyn
I'm wondering if there is anyone, such as a careers advisor at university, that you could talk to?
it might be worth seeing if there are any apprenticeships in your area or anything that allows you to learn on the job.
is it possible to research finance options to help pay the fees?
what about studying in a different country if the universities are better?
would you be willing to be unemployed or get any job, if you were no longer a student? Or would you be more willing to continue studying just for your current work? If the latter, have you thought about options once you graduate (would you still be able to keep your job or not)?
There's no such person at uni. I've tried contacting some charities that offer career advising, but none replied. Maybe it's worth paying for a private advisor.
I don't want to sound pessimistic again, but seeing how competitive the graphic design field is, I don't think anyone would be willing to take in an apprentice. They've got more than enough job candidates.
Private universities rarely have any scholarships. For two that I know of I won't be eligible next year (I was eligible last September, but it's too late now).
I wouldn't like to go abroad, I don't think I could handle it now.
Yes, I could be unemployed. My salary is helpful but it's not that we couldn't make a living without it. It's a job in a cakeshop and the situation there has been worsening recently, so all I know is that I don't want to spend my life in such places - working my ass off for the minimum wage and somebody's business to thrive. So yeah, I guess I have to get that degree.
Originally Posted by Pork Chops
Matter, I don't know if your school has Peer Support, but it can be very good when older students help younger ones through classroom and subject difficulties. Maybe you can get advice from an older student?
Due to the pandemic most of support services have been suspended, unfortunately.
Originally Posted by Mallika
I've linked some reputed sites which offer online courses below:
Another thing you could do is contact the people at your high school. Also, don't forget the power of connections. Is there anyone in your family or social circle who's working in a job you might be interested in?
There are many paths to success, and there's nothing wrong in stepping away from the traditional, tried-and-tested path and explore what works best for you.
Thank you for the links. It's very hard to motivate myself, but maybe I'll give some a try.
School's always been an oppressive place for me, so I really don't want to get back there anymore. Schools in my country are very academic-oriented. I know that, for example, in the UK pupils are offered web design, dancing, acting, psychology etc. This is very, very different in Poland. The options are extremely limited, we only have a handful of subjects to choose from, so we are basically taught nothing that could come in handy in the future.
My family is very academic-oriented as well. Mostly teachers or people otherwise connected to education. Not a single artist.
While your last words are very wise and I'm inclined to agree, it might be a good way for people who have a creative idea and want to pursue it. I have nothing.
Anyways, thank you very much for all your replies.
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