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Re: Somethings wrong with me. -
January 10th 2021, 12:24 PM
I feel for you because for almost a year, my closest friend, a Norwegian girl, ghosted me and then unexpectedly reappeared apologizing for her sudden departure.
During the time she was gone I felt empty, confused wondering if I had inadvertently offended her, but having saved all our conversations, realised I spoke with honesty and compassion, so when we commenced emailing again, she explained her mother had to move home to a safer area because her previous home could have been affected by a landslide, such as happened fairly recently and to tragic loss of life.
I accepted her apology, and we continued. Except she was angry at her mother because she had lost all her friends and her new school made it difficult to make new friends.
I explained that parents have to make informed decisions, namely your mother made decision to move for political reasons, nonetheless we have to abide our parents' wishes until moving out, we can choose a home of our own and, in an area best suited for ourselves.
In your situation I don't see why you and your friend cannot continue being friendly and civil as Mallika suggested, and you make extra effort talking to her either using Face Time in Facebook if you two have it, or try using Zoom to maintain a more personal conversation and seeing each other.
Trust will need to be the foundation on which you set your friendship. Regular writing and sharing feelings will help foster happier times together. This is what I tried with my Norwegian friend, though eventually she ceased correspondence with me because she started university.
I doubt very much the situation with your friend moving away had anything to do with you, because her parents needed to move on. Hopefully you can put this difference behind you and the pair of youj can continue during school term times and holiday/national labour days.
Best wishes to you
Take care and please keep in contact with us. We will always try to be here for you.
Happy New Year!
“Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.” - Thomas A. Edison.
Thomas Edison tried over two thousand times to invent the lightbulb.