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Name: Wendi
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Julie's previous Covid -
December 29th 2020, 09:17 AM
This morning our postman of La Poste Monaco admitted to us that he may have been responsible for transmitting Coronavirus to Julie last spring. He and Julie went down with coronavirus the same day she took delivery of a plastic covered parcel, but she didn't wash her hands after opening it, she said. It seems too much of a coincidence. But that morning she genuinely forgot. Our postman humbly apologised, but we forgave him anyway. We thought that was caring and so lovely of him to say that. 
Of course, nothing could be proven, but Julie was hospitalized soon after as was our postman.
I have no data on how long coronavirus lives on surfaces since so many websites' info varies. But not intending to sound preachy, I cannot stress the importance of washing one's hands, especially after handling incoming parcels, letters to our homes, but also being mindful to wash our mitts regularly.
Like so many, I am deeply concerned about coronavirus infection, but providing we continue being sensible of social distancing, mask wearing and regular hand sanitizing/washing, then we stand a greater chance. And hopefully soon a covid vaccine.