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Name: Wendi
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Re: We need help to choose Maman's Christmas present -
December 13th 2020, 02:14 PM
Eleanor, thank you, but the men known to me have already suffered covid like me, during the 'first wave'. They get tested twice a week because they work at a nearby hospital. Like me, they had the virus quite bad, but recovered quickly so I'm happy hving thems to lug this bath in. It's enamelled cast iron - one of them suggested he and his friend go down on their knees to carry it in, resembling turtles! What an image!! 
So heavy is the bath, it will be towed in around the rear because our mother's bathroom is downstairs and has frosted glass doors that slide way back into the walls, like our kitchen and dining room except those are clear glass. Positioning shouldn't be too much trouble as I've three good men. In the meantime Maman uses our bathroom, upstairs. The bigger one is downstairs and is for her sole use. She can be highly terrytorial, but her ways are typically French as she showers first before dipping into the bath. Scented candles look lovely in their frosted glasses, or I may set up a diffuser for essential oils. We use Absolute Aromas which is British.
You were very helpful and I appreciated you offering help. 
As we have sheep, I've been knitting finely handspun merino lambswool and the type is Booroola, originally from Australia. They were exported to America - no idea when - but the UK love merino wool and my lambswool after much washing and care, was spun during evenings or out in the garden when it was warm and sunny. I'd sit beneath a tree and knit. If I stayed still enough, sparrows would come looking for food. They birds seem to know I carry tidbits in my pocketsies. We have sheep of other breeds, but merinos are my favourite for their wool.
Spinning is so relaxing, another craft I learnt by watching. It's an old Asford spinning wheel I bought off Gumtree, and the spools were collected over time because they can be very expensiv new.
The wool of Booroola lamb is very soft, a pleasant light tan and just wonderful to knit. So soft and so warm. The wool's final wash I made was in shaved Rogé Cavaillès soap. It's a pure lovely, gentle soap with a slight smell. We have bars of the stuff. It's my very favourite soap. Maman knows the jumper is for her as there was no way to avoid her knowing, but autumn to winter is perfect for knitting by the fire while she sips red wine or something stronger. We sit, the four of us, in comfortable silence and when the telly is turned on, that will be when I disappear to my studies upstairs.
Usually I knit at weekends whne our two days are more relaxed, I knit fast, not needing to look except count as I go. This week will be arranging the pieces to come together so while the jumper will be finished in time for Christmas, my guys will position the bath exactly on the granite stands that I carefully pugged in. I bought antique restored Victorian taps. The taps cost me dear, also the plumbing, all copper pipes. but buying the bath and not contracting out a plumber and I'll have saved a pretty penny. Anyway, I enjoy DIY.
Maman being what she is, wants for nothing since her career demands looking good and enjoying her hard work in buying the things she loves the most. Compared to the creature who was my original mother, Maman is softhearted, gentle, patient and loving. Sis and I adore her. She saved our lives, of thta I have little doubt. Out of love we reward our mother with unswerving love. Fitting a bath may give me a sore back, but for her delight and see that smile, all my hard graft will be worth it.
I've always wanted to make her things not easily obtainable in the shops. I'll make her something she will treasure, even a piece of carved wood - like a mouse, whereas my sister will stand sentry over the stove making lemon curd or a seasonable berry jam, or a nice marmalade, citrus-sharp and redolent of scented lemons and sugar. But, Maman only knows her bathroom will be decorated. She thinks she knows, but will be laughably wrong!