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Re: Maman (French for Mother) -
December 9th 2020, 04:30 PM
Originally Posted by Mallika
Hi Wendi,
Glad to know that your Maman is feeling better now; I sincerely wish her a speedy recovery.
Kadha is certainly great for sore throats. It also helps to chew on a couple of cloves whole slowly, allowing them to release their amazing, anti-inflammatory essential oils. I've had my share of awful sore throats when I was younger, when I'd fall ill frequently, so I know how painful they can be. These home remedies help a lot.
The antibiotics are a good option too since the doctor has recommended them. Be sure to ensure that she finishes the full course of antibiotics as recommended; finishing the course of prescribed antibiotics is generally advised even if one is feeling better 
Take care!
Thanks Mallika for your helpful advice with those antibiotics. I've had them myself for a similar infec', and they cleared up in no time. Ike Maman intends, so I finished the course. I'm grateful we hvaed a good doctor.
I knew clove has antiseptic properties and is good to lower tooth pain an inflammation in the mouth. The oil what comes from these tiny little things is amazing, but whne I have her put in her mouth, I 'rub off the clove's sharp edges.
I love kaada and sip it more often now since sweetening it a little with honey instead of sular.
I prefer honey for sweetening instead of sugar any time.