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Allyson Wood Offline
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Re: Fruits for pregnant ladies - December 9th 2020, 04:14 AM

Originally Posted by Pork Chops View Post
As a rule, never take online "medical info" as Gospel. You should take advice first from your midwife or doctor. With so much fake news around presently, only your doctor or healthcare provider can give you the correct info.

Here are what I know you can take

Pineapple can be acidsic, but take advice on that one cuz I know pregnant women can have it, but I don't know whne.

Oranges for vitamin C and folate

Mangoes are rich in vitamins A and C. According to health stats, one cup of chopped mango provides 100% recommended daily allowance (RDA) of vitamin C and more than a third of their RDA of vitamin A.

Banananas for potassium, vitamin C, B6. fiber

Grapes (redduns for anti-oxidents), vits C & K

Apples vitamins A and C, potassium


Pearsfor potassium and folate

Pomegranates can provide preggo women with viatmin K, calcium, fiber, protein and potassium for phosphors, fiber and vitamins A, C, and E.
Mangoes and Bananas for me.