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DeletedAccount53 Offline
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Name: Wendi
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Re: How to ask a girl out. - December 3rd 2020, 09:52 PM

Hi there and welcome to Teen Help!

I can only agree with Golfing Girl's super suggestions becuase you can use any, but only you can make this step.

The only way is to jump in, feet first to call her. But before doing that, write down a few nice words to give yourself that courage.

I kno it's hard. But are you gonna kick yourself to the possybility of losing her to somebody else?

I was faced with the same. Believe you me, I may be a leader of a survival club teaching skills passed down, but asking my fave girl out? Oh boy, that was hard! Worried myself sick I did.

Maman knew. She sensed my shyness. She said either you make the effort for yourself or lose her to another girl. She then added, "Are you gonna go for it? If you don't, then you're more of a sissy than I thort!"

I phoned her.
She's now my partner.

Best decision - ever!

You won't know til you take that leap in the dark.

We will be here for you. I'm waiting to know.

Take the courage now. If your head and your heart tells you she's to be yours, then go for her.

Praps she's feeling the same way about you?

Pssst! You can do it.