Re: Presidential Election. -
November 8th 2020, 07:23 PM
I consider myself a centrist, leaning towards the Left or Right on varying topics. When the candidates were first announced a few years ago, I had my eyes on two of them: one from the Republican Party — who was not Donald Trump — and another from the Democratic Party and, up until recent months, was the number one pick for Biden's VP.
The one from the Republican Party has long-time ties to my state and I don't recall his tenure in office back during the 1990s, but my parents supported him. They're Republicans and, I think, had he won the Primaries over Trump, they would have voted for him. I probably would have too, as shocking as that may sound. This particular candidate was very progressive for a Republican and there were issues — again, I don't think anyone can agree 100% with any politician, no matter what party they're aligned with — that I agreed upon with him.
Of course, that all depended on my Democratic candidate winning the Primaries as well. For that election, which was held in my state near the end of last winter, I voted for her but she had withdrawn literally days before; so my vote, and everyone who voted for her, had been nullified. I was out of state, so I had to do an absentee ballot; had I not done that, I would have voted for another candidate who, also, has close ties to my state. Sadly, she was pressured into dropping out as Biden's VP pick in the early summer weeks; so I was left with no choice but to make a "settle for Biden" sort of vote.
I don't like Biden or Senator Kamala Harris, but it is what it is. I just hope that they can repair the damage caused by Trump and his followers in the past four years, put America back together again, and we can have better candidates for the 2024 elections.