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Re: Presidential Election. - November 4th 2020, 01:16 PM

Originally Posted by Fanatic View Post

How? I am curious how it is racist to vote for him. Every American is entitled to their own opinion so to say this I think the real hate and racist one comes from the one who talks about it so lightly like how you have.
My interpretation of the comment, as a non-US person, is that, given Trump has passed racist remarks, made derogatory comments towards women and those with disabilities and so on, anyone who voted for him, is supporting such ideology.

Whether this is the reason for voting for him or not, to those whom have suffered because of him, will not see the situation any other way.

It's like when the UK held a referendum on whether or not the leave the European Union. The majority of those who voted Leave, did so because of views on immigration. I too voted Leave, but not for such reasons. Given my vote, I'm instantly tarred with the same brush, and likely viewed as some immigrant-hating racist. This is not the case.

This section of the forum is to discuss and express opinions and views.

In some earlier posts, a couple of members were curious on why you voted for Trump. There was no aggression or dislike, just a genuine desire to see your side of the story. You had the perfect opportunity to express, and explain the positive points on why Donald Trump has your vote, yet for some reason, you responded in a way that wasn't even related, nor even helpful. Perhaps if you could re-read, and answer more appropriately, it may help clear the air.