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Arabesque- golfing girl. Offline
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Jeez, get a life!
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Name: Emmie🦋
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Re: Anxiety and Stress over Hoarding Books - August 28th 2020, 01:52 PM

Hello and I am so sorry that you are having a hard time with this and hope that you will be okay soon.

When we keep buying something, it can be fun at first and then we have so much of it that it is hard to keep them all. Books are something that are lovely to have, because you can read them whenever you want to. They help pick you up or get your mind off of something that you are going through. You can try to make three piles, one is for keep, the other is maybe and the last is to give away. Start going through your books and try this if you want to. Also if you give your books away to a bookstore or another store then someone else who cannot buy that book full price will be able to get it and still enjoy it. I know that it is hard giving our staff away, because we want to keep it. You will be able to help out other people with your books. Also if you can find someone who has a program that you can give books and take them to read, that is fun. At my old church, it has six bookshelfs that is full of books, it is called Take one and give one. You take a book to read and put another one in it's stop, then when you are done with the book you put it back to get another one. Then everyone can read and enjoy the different books. It's hard at first giving your stuff away, then you are going to feel happy because it can help out other people. I wish you the best with this and hope that you will be okay soon. Hugs

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-Jacques d’Ambroise''