Originally Posted by Heathen
I kind of get where you are coming from. When I first realized I was trans I was very upset. I didn't want to be, because I know trans folks generally have really hard lives in my country. I was also scared because I knew some people might not accept me, and to be honest I haven't told those people yet. But I will, eventually, because I have come to accept myself and I want to live honestly and openly.
It's hard not to be cis and het. I wish it weren't but in many places it is and it really sucks. I would suggest you take a step back from judging yourself so harshly if, in fact, you are not straight. You're not hurting anybody and it's not wrong. It's okay to be however you are, as long as you are kind to yourself and practicing informed consent with your partner(s).
Oh, you sweetie. I am glad that at least you come to accept yourself, so I am happy for you and I hope that eventually everything will come right in your case.

I want to, if you can and if you want to of course, to give me your honest opinion on me and about this situation.. Even if you want, you can ask me any questions you want. I am sorry if I am bothered you, that is not my point.

So I am really sorry if I did that. And sorry for my bad english