Re: Quarantine Dating -
July 29th 2020, 10:47 PM
I was single when the pandemic started, with the exception of a friend with benefits, so it's not exactly "dating." I've still seen him during the quarantine as part of my (very) small social circle, but only a couple of times. I know he wears his mask everywhere and takes good care to practice proper COVID hygiene practices, so I feel comfortable taking that risk.
I am interested in dating but it is hard to make it happen during COVID. I primarily use dating apps and dating websites. There's been some connections that have carried on for a while, but most of them fizzle out because it's hard to maintain interest with someone whose chemistry you can't test in person for an indefinite amount of time.
That said, there are practices for those who are dating. Emma suggested good ones. I wouldn't underestimate the power of social distancing dates. Having a picnic on separate blankets in the park, or any outdoor space really. Playing a sport or a game together. Zoom is always a good option, too. I would also recommend keeping rituals to make things seem more solid and normal in this uncertain time. For example, you could always make sure to send a good morning and goodnight text.
Hope this helps.