Originally Posted by Everglow.
Non-essential businesses in england are set to reopen on the 15th June. Cases are falling but there are still between 2000-3000 new infections a day and deaths are still in trippers figures. I'm worried that by the end of june we will be in the second wave.
Whilst I do believe there is a small chance our country could indeed be hit by a second 'peak' possibly soon, I think the main second wave will be much later this year towards Winter.
The UK's problem (and I may correct myself here, and say specifically England) is that the figures don't like - we seem about a million miles away from nearly all if not all other European countries at this current time in terms of keeping the figures low. Our cases are still well into the thousands, and the deaths are as you say triple figures. Perhaps, in another week or two, we will hopefully be where all other European countries are, which is deaths per day below 100 and cases per day very manageable.
But it is all a little bit messy. The governments answers for a long long long time have been this magical smartphone 'app' which accompanies the Contact and Trace program - but both of these have been delayed. The app should be up and running but it's now the end of the month when we're told it will be.
Other European countries have had it nailed - after the initial horrible surge. But it seems we're still lagging and lacking behind. Everyone is blaming each other. The government don't want to say sorry. They come out with different lies and excuses every day in my opinion.
Countries like the UK and the USA, I still maintain that the real problem was when the virus was gathering pace, it was almost as if the governments of these countries thought 'hey we're one of the most powerful countries in the world, the virus will go no where near us' - ever since then we've been paying catch up. And at the moment, we aren't even catching up. They are all moving in the right direction towards a hopeful finishing line, whereas we just seem to be staying the same distance behind them.
It's awful, but perhaps a trip to Tesco supermarket may raise my hopes a bit? Well I went earlier and a lot of people were wearing masks (including myself) and trying to keep a distance. But a lot lot more people are pushing the rules a bit now.