Thread: Corona Virus.
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Re: Corona Virus. - May 17th 2020, 09:44 PM

Originally Posted by Tigereyes View Post
18,000 confirmed cases in my state. Again, we only test those sick enough that they might need to be hospitalized. Infection rate is increasing as state reopens. Huge shock. No one follows social distancing, 5% of people wear masks total. I'm terrified I will have to return to work to die soon.
I'm so sorry to hear that you're dealing with this. That definitely sounds terrifying! Is there any way you can reach out to your work, let them know your situation, and request that they allow you to continue to work from home? Or are you not able to work at home? If you can perform your job at home, I feel like it would be really hard for them to argue with you given people have been working from home for a couple months already and you have medical conditions that make you vulnerable.

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