Thread: Hey!
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NeuroBeautiful Offline
Please call that story back.
I've been here a while
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Name: Violet
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Hey! - May 10th 2020, 09:46 PM

Hey everyone,

Nothing super official, just wanted to say hi. Now with COVID and I'm working remotely anyway (excuses )
I figured why not stop by here more often.

I am looking to start sharing my self expression work again as well as post blog entries.

I might also be in the chat room (I enjoy this new chat room. It reminds me of the old times!)

Feel free to say hi new and old users are welcome to approach me. You can also ask me what I like about being a middle school Math teacher and I may just go on a tangent (haha, I love puns and other forms of play on language)
Or ask me what my special quarantine hobbies are. You can find me hanging upside down from my couch when I'm not on a zoom conference. Or singing traditional songs on a Saturday afternoon (physical distancing by remaining on my front door steps) to thr point thst a neighbor opened her door and almost cried of joy because she loves that song.

I want to write a 1st year teacher survival guide filled with stories and life lessons I've learned this year. I imagine it making the readers laugh, cry, think differently or walk away with something gained. I have not gone past the daydreaming stage but I really do want it to come to life. I want to share with people my journey of going through my first full time more than a summer long jobI want to share with people my personal journey as a human with multifaceted identity ("I contain multitudes" a line in a poem by Walt Whitman) I am someone with mental health challenges in therapy and came a long way, who experiences high emotional sensitivity, who is going through life as a young adult in this generation and also i want to trace back to ways my challenges have been a source of strength (something I am still trying to understand)

I am lucky to be at a place that I can even have dreams. I have big dreams and small dreams. But for a very long time I had none. I blocked out my ability to feel pleasure in the future. It took working on it for years to get to a place like this. And only just last week was when I finally decided what I want to get my masters in Special Education grades 1-6! Before last week I was indecisive and stressed even imagining anything. My friend asked me where do I see myself in 5 years from now and I literally shut down. And now I'm actually looking into grad school programs. Starting to formulate a personal statement. Looking to study for my GRE and plan for a job in September that is aligned with my educational goal.

I have other dreams big and small that I would be happy to share with at a later time.

So I'm hoping that I can share some poetry, writing and art like I used to. I'm a bit more hopeful and centered though I do feel emotional turbulence and the quarantine is like this mix of fear as well as opportunity and i see how it has been both for me.

So anyway, hey everyone