Untitled -
May 6th 2020, 10:29 PM
This thread has been labeled as triggering, particularly on the subject of self harm, by the original poster or by a Moderator. The contents of this thread might therefore not be suitable for certain sensitive users. Please take this into consideration before continuing to read.
It’s the little things, really.
Small reminders of what I’ve done.
I stand too long on my foot,
The one that’s badly bruised.
Or I run my hand
Through my hair
Only to feel the bits
Damaged from flame.
When I pull my fingers away
They are covered in soot.
I am in constant pain,
But I don’t take painkillers.
I don’t want to weaken
The hurt I feel.
My suffering is a reminder
Of what I’ve done,
Of the mistakes I make.
I destroy myself
Over and over.
One day there may be nothing left.
I am broken.
Thousands of scars cover my body.
Words get thrown my way,
Like “dialysis” and “amputation.”
The risks for what I do are high.
I know this.
Yet I persist anyway
In my stalwart quest
To destroy myself.
When will I stop?
When will I have suffered enough?
One day, I feel,
I will be able to disentangle
Myself from this madness.
After all, I can’t live like this forever.
Death could come at any time.
All it takes is one slip
And I could be gone in minutes.
I don’t want that.
I choose to live.
I choose not to give in to the hate inside.
This is the promise I make to my body:
I see you.
You bring me so much pleasure and joy.
You laugh and cry,
You receive and reciprocate affection.
You can do so many neat things
And it’s time I treat you well.
The hate is a lie.
You deserve better.
You deserve love.